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The earth has no outline. Water is without margins. Trees are without solid contours.  Perhaps it might have overwhelmed us to consume Nature’s bounty in all its edgeless joys; and therefore, our eyes have been made so as to give a periphery to whatever we see in front of us. We frame compositions, a hundred a day almost involuntarily, as we skim past the things that happen to cross our vision. This subtle flair is what visual artists hone so diligently - to carefully choose every composition, every element that would form a part of a painting. For landscape painters, it is an unspoken challenge to stand almost equal to Nature; to lend its vast freedom a frame to rest within.   The day I take the train from London to Manningtree to begin my walk around Constable country, the beloved place of 18 th  century landscape painter John Constable (and many others), I am quite enthusiastic about the goals of my travel. But strangely, my mind is almost void of thoughts. It is only days later, wh