Beautiful negatives.
Shadows carved.
Reality torn.
Forms gone (?)
Images lost (?)
I don't want my Art to reek of  'me'.

They say that the most difficult thing to achieve is to free yourself from yourself.
For me, from an artists' point of view, it confronts me with the question of how I could free my art from being merely an autobiographical account in different mediums.
Nothing wrong with being autobiographic, but I would wish to see my Art cut its umbilical cord and be able to exist on its own space, without carrying the haunted shadows of me.
Which is why I began the practice of keeping Visual diaries earlier this year. Though still stemming from my perceptions and experiences, they are visual ( instead of word diaeirs that I am so addicted to) articulation done instantaneously and spontaneously, without carrying the weight of lingering thought and brooding, or becoming carefully sieved and guarded expressions.
They help me to stop the business of being calculative in terms of how much or what I show, and also how I show what I show.
Here are a few recent ones :
( Charcoal, Inks, Watercolor, dry pastels).


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